Task Force 4: Global Peace and Security

This track delves into the challenges of creating an environment for global peace and security in an increasingly complex world. It will explore traditional and non-traditional security threats, including cyberwarfare and autonomous weapons, aiming to develop collaborative approaches to conflict resolution and peacebuilding.

Key Policy Areas:

  • Cybersecurity and Protection Against Cyberthreats
  • Autonomous Weapons
  • Multilateralism and Conflict Resolution Mechanisms in an Age of Inter-State Conflicts
Raquel Garbers

Raquel Garbers

CIGI Visiting Executive

Raquel Garbers is a CIGI visiting executive from the Department of National Defence, where she held the role of director general, strategic defence policy, since April 2018. She is also a visiting practitioner with the US Department of Defense (Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies). Raquel served as the principal architect of Canada’s new defence policy, Our North, Strong and Free.


Jonathan Berkshire Miller

Senior Fellow and Director of Foreign Affairs, National Defence and National Security, Macdonald-Laurier Institute

Jonathan Berkshire Miller is an international affairs professional with expertise on security, defence and geo-economic issues in the Indo-Pacific. He has held a variety of positions in the private and public sector. Currently, he is a senior fellow with the Japan Institute of International Affairs. Jonathan is also a senior fellow and director of the Foreign Affairs, National Defence and National Security program at the Ottawa-based Macdonald-Laurier Institute, a senior fellow on East Asia for the Tokyo-based Asian Forum Japan and the director and co-founder of the Council on International Policy. He also holds appointments as a Canadian representative to the ASEAN Regional Forum Expert and Eminent Persons group and as a member of the BMW Foundation’s Responsible Leaders Network. Jonathan regularly consults, provides advice and presents to the private sector, multilateral organizations and governments on regional geopolitics. He is a contributor to journals, magazines and newspapers and has been interviewed and quoted on regional security issues across a wide range of media.


Justin Bassi

Executive Director, Australian Strategic Policy Institute

Justin Bassi is the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute. From June 2019 to March 2022, he was chief of staff to the minister for foreign affairs and minister for women, Senator the Hon. Marise Payne. Immediately prior to this, Justin was the cyber intelligence mission manager at the Office of National Intelligence, where he led the integration of cybersecurity and critical technologies across the National Intelligence Community.

From September 2015 to August 2018, Justin was the national security adviser to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. He led the team advising the prime minister and cabinet ministers on Australia’s national security, defence and international relations. This included responsibility for all areas of security legislation, policy and operations, including counterterrorism, foreign interference, cyberspace, intelligence and border security. Justin was also previously the national security adviser to Attorney-General George Brandis, focusing on Australia’s national security legislation, policy and activities, including counterterrorism and telecommunications security.


Sophie Arts

Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Geostrategy North

Sophie Arts is a fellow with the German Marshall Fund (GMF) of the United States, where she leads the organization’s research on Nordic and Arctic security and geopolitics. In this role, she covers North American homeland defence against conventional and hybrid threats and cooperation with allies and partners. As part of her portfolio, she also focuses on Russian and Chinese activities in the Arctic region.

Sophie joined GMF’s Washington, DC-based security and defence policy team in 2017. Her prior research covered North Atlantic Treaty Organization defence and deterrence, including against cyberthreats and emerging technologies, as well as the alliance’s partnership policy. Moreover, she has published on strategic stability and escalation risks in a multipolar world. Sophie previously worked at the Atlantic Council, GMF’s Brussels office, Spiegel Online International, and Kantar Media. Originally from Germany, she holds an M.A. from Humboldt University in Berlin and a B.A. from the University of Freiburg.


Stefan Mair

Director, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)

Stefan Mair is director and executive chairman of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). His areas of expertise are German and EU foreign and security policy, geopolitical and geoeconomic dynamics, and trade and foreign economic policy. From 2010 to 2020, he was a member of the executive board of the Federation of German Industries (BDI). He joined SWP in 1992 as a research associate, eventually serving as a member of the executive board from 2009 to 2010, research director from 2007 to 2009, and head of the Middle East and Africa Research division from 2001 to 2007. He earned his doctorate from the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich and was a Ph.D. scholar at the Ifo Institute for Economic Research’s Developing Countries department.

Tomonori Yoshizaki

Tomonori Yoshizaki

Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Tomonori (Tom) Yoshizaki has served as a professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) since April 2023. He gives lectures and seminars on Japan’s national security policy, alliance management and peace operations. He is newly appointed as the director of TUFS Area Studies Center (TASC) to coordinate the university’s research activities.

Prior to his TUFS position, he worked for the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) of the Japan Ministry of Defense for 36 years. At NIDS, he served as vice president for academic affairs (2022–2023), director of policy simulation (2015–2022) and director of the security studies department (2011–2015). He oversaw partnership with National Defense University network, including the Conference of Commandants of NATO Defense College and the ASEAN Regional Forum Conference of National Defense Universities/Colleges/Institutions. He also designed policy simulations for the ASEAN Capacity Building Project, including disaster management exercises.

He also served as a visiting professor at the National Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies, and as a visiting fellow and lecturer at King’s College London, the Hudson Institute, Japan’s Self-Defense Forces Staff Colleges, Sophia University, Waseda University and others.